In Go, you can use the “math/rand” package to generate random numbers, and then use the “crypto/rand” package to generate cryptographically secure random numbers.
To verify the entropy of random numbers generated by Go, you can use the “Dieharder” suite of statistical tests for random number generators. Dieharder is a free and open-source software tool for testing random number generators.
To use Dieharder to test the entropy of random numbers generated by Go, you can follow these steps:
Install Dieharder on your system. You can find the installation instructions on the Dieharder website.
Write a Go program that generates a large number of random numbers using the “math/rand” or “crypto/rand” package. You can use a loop to generate the numbers and store them in a slice.
Convert the slice of random numbers to a binary file using the “encoding/binary” package. This is necessary because Dieharder expects its input to be in binary format.
Run Dieharder on the binary file using the command line. Dieharder will perform a battery of statistical tests on the random numbers and report the results.
Here’s an example Go program that generates 1 million random numbers using the “crypto/rand” package, converts the slice of numbers to a binary file, and runs Dieharder on the binary file:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Generate 1 million random numbers using crypto/rand
randBytes := make([]byte, 8*1000000)
if _, err := rand.Read(randBytes); err != nil {
// Convert the slice of random numbers to a binary file
f, err := os.Create("random.bin")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
if err := binary.Write(f, binary.LittleEndian, randBytes); err != nil {
// Run Dieharder on the binary file
cmd := exec.Command("dieharder", "-f", "random.bin", "-a")
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
When you run this program, it will generate 1 million random numbers using the “crypto/rand” package, convert the numbers to a binary file named “random.bin”, and then run Dieharder on the binary file with the “-a” option to perform all statistical tests. The results will be printed to the console.